As always, its been a while since my last update - in fact I am only making time for this update because I am on holiday and it seemed odd to jump straight in...
So where do I start? I have good excuses for my disappearance - as a brief overview I had a load of temp jobs - a couple of different jobs a week for a bit, then I started a new permanent role I have been waiting 7 months for, but just before that I figured it would be clever to roll my Jeep into a river, we dog and house sat for Vicky's parents for a month and Davey has come to visit. That's about the long and short of it... Do I need to elaborate further?
I guess so then.
In case your wondering by the way the crossbow worked awesomely - and very few people died or got wounded.
So I worked for a short while for Kuhne-Nagel driving a low level forklift into anything less substantial than it but as I didn't want to work nights they decided they didn't need me anymore. Handily though the couple of weeks it took for them to decide that allowed me to go back to work for the rental company again nice easy work. I also got sent to a company called Qualcomm to drive engineers around. Strange job - basically two people (in my case Germans) sit in the back of a mildly modified people carrier (seats removed and tables installed) surrounded by cables, computers or funny aerial things.
They wanted me to simply drive around on the first day - not go anywhere in particular but avoid countryside... A lot harder than it sounds. At one point we ended up in London, and the Germans had a long conversation about how lovely London's old buildings were and how their cities were all ugly and modern... Sorry chaps but you started it... Somewhere in Farnborough we came across a roundabout, on this roundabout ze Germans asked quite firmly if I could simply stop, just sit on the roundabout with my hazards on so they could assess the readings they got in a specific place... They were quite put out when I refused, evidently stopping on a roundabout is fine in Germany provided you switch on your hazards.
Whilst all these jobs were going on - in fact whilst all of this was going on we were also dog and house sitting for Vicky's parents as they had gone on a month holiday without taking us with them - how inconsiderate! They had actually gone with Dave on a tour of the East cost of America, including some of the South coast and a quick detour into Canada via Niagara falls.
Whilst they had the time of their lives we held the fort at home with Jed, who had the time of his ever spoiled life wandering between his home and ours. In fact he only spent time at home when we were sleeping or at work, the rest of the time he enjoyed himself at our house where Daisy, Davin and Mum (all bar Daisy claim to be committed dog haterists) spoiled him rotten constantly. Daisy is planning to steal him and Mum showed him off to all her visiting friends, who made a great fuss of him. He did however refuse completely to walk, insisting on being carried the majority of the way to our house even though its less than half a mile. I got lots of bad bad looks for carrying him.
Anyhow after only a few weeks of chopping and changing jobs I got a call for a permanent job, almost immediate start date and matching my old salary. Its nothing glamorous (its actually doing the filing) but its easy responsibility-free work which provided I don't cock up should be redundancy proof.
To celebrate god decided to open the heavens - with a biblical deluge. Feeling the call of fun I went out in the heep to go flood hunting with Chris Douglas and Jed.
This, it turns out was a monumentally stupid idea.
First my exhaust was ripped off and had to be refitted on the roadside (and it was horrible and wet under there). Having fixed the exhaust we decided to do 'one last' flooded road... It turned out something like this:
So where do I start? I have good excuses for my disappearance - as a brief overview I had a load of temp jobs - a couple of different jobs a week for a bit, then I started a new permanent role I have been waiting 7 months for, but just before that I figured it would be clever to roll my Jeep into a river, we dog and house sat for Vicky's parents for a month and Davey has come to visit. That's about the long and short of it... Do I need to elaborate further?
I guess so then.
In case your wondering by the way the crossbow worked awesomely - and very few people died or got wounded.
So I worked for a short while for Kuhne-Nagel driving a low level forklift into anything less substantial than it but as I didn't want to work nights they decided they didn't need me anymore. Handily though the couple of weeks it took for them to decide that allowed me to go back to work for the rental company again nice easy work. I also got sent to a company called Qualcomm to drive engineers around. Strange job - basically two people (in my case Germans) sit in the back of a mildly modified people carrier (seats removed and tables installed) surrounded by cables, computers or funny aerial things.
They wanted me to simply drive around on the first day - not go anywhere in particular but avoid countryside... A lot harder than it sounds. At one point we ended up in London, and the Germans had a long conversation about how lovely London's old buildings were and how their cities were all ugly and modern... Sorry chaps but you started it... Somewhere in Farnborough we came across a roundabout, on this roundabout ze Germans asked quite firmly if I could simply stop, just sit on the roundabout with my hazards on so they could assess the readings they got in a specific place... They were quite put out when I refused, evidently stopping on a roundabout is fine in Germany provided you switch on your hazards.
Whilst all these jobs were going on - in fact whilst all of this was going on we were also dog and house sitting for Vicky's parents as they had gone on a month holiday without taking us with them - how inconsiderate! They had actually gone with Dave on a tour of the East cost of America, including some of the South coast and a quick detour into Canada via Niagara falls.
Whilst they had the time of their lives we held the fort at home with Jed, who had the time of his ever spoiled life wandering between his home and ours. In fact he only spent time at home when we were sleeping or at work, the rest of the time he enjoyed himself at our house where Daisy, Davin and Mum (all bar Daisy claim to be committed dog haterists) spoiled him rotten constantly. Daisy is planning to steal him and Mum showed him off to all her visiting friends, who made a great fuss of him. He did however refuse completely to walk, insisting on being carried the majority of the way to our house even though its less than half a mile. I got lots of bad bad looks for carrying him.
Anyhow after only a few weeks of chopping and changing jobs I got a call for a permanent job, almost immediate start date and matching my old salary. Its nothing glamorous (its actually doing the filing) but its easy responsibility-free work which provided I don't cock up should be redundancy proof.
To celebrate god decided to open the heavens - with a biblical deluge. Feeling the call of fun I went out in the heep to go flood hunting with Chris Douglas and Jed.
This, it turns out was a monumentally stupid idea.
First my exhaust was ripped off and had to be refitted on the roadside (and it was horrible and wet under there). Having fixed the exhaust we decided to do 'one last' flooded road... It turned out something like this:
Recovery took 4 hours (on a Monday night starting at 11pm), Three vehicles, at least 10 committed friends and looked something like this:

The end result was this:

It has been taken apart, dried and reassembled - the rear windows, remote central locking, boot lock, hand throttle and roof rack all no longer work or no longer exist. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
And finally, Cousin Davey is here to stay! So to celebrate we are all leaving to go to France, with Davey and his partner Alisa too. Perhaps more on that in a separate thing.
The end result was this:
It has been taken apart, dried and reassembled - the rear windows, remote central locking, boot lock, hand throttle and roof rack all no longer work or no longer exist. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
And finally, Cousin Davey is here to stay! So to celebrate we are all leaving to go to France, with Davey and his partner Alisa too. Perhaps more on that in a separate thing.
Thank you so much for looking after me while Mummy and Daddy were away. Since they've been back they have made me walk everywhere, and I don't get spoiled anywhere near as much as when they're away. I can't wait until they go away again, I keep dreaming of all those lovely treats I get.
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