Monday 7 November 2011

Iceberg, Dead ahead!

I found out recently that my work with my current employer is possibly coming to an end, the company is taking on water faster than we can bail it out and the sharks are circling.
I liken my company to the Titanic, it’s a small company but with the wage structure of a lumbering behemoth of the Seas. Almost everyone other than myself and one or two other members of staff is a ‘Director’ and managing their own department (Department of them) and on wages that frankly insult (Double or triple) the non-directors amongst us.

Basically, we spent a long time with the Iceberg in sight, and there was plenty of warning before it even crested the horizon. Enough warning in fact to effect a mutiny, the previous Captain (CEO) was thrown overboard with her first mate (Sales Director) because the Chief Engineer (Operations Director) and Captain could not agree on which way to turn the boat and avoid the ‘berg. Of course I use the term ‘thrown overboard’ with some artistic licence, because the previous Captain and Co. left with a sizable life raft for their personal use.
Are you confused yet?
Anyway, with a new captain at the helm we had a new direction, but alas – it was too late to do anything about the ‘berg so in we went.
Now here we are, I was enjoying myself milling around in the Second Class cabins, stealing stuff from First Class and generally flowing with the tide. Laughed about how First Class are a bunch of toffs and we would do much more cool stuff if we had their money instead of them, poked fun about Third Class with their rats and Jobless existence.
I even spent some time on the bow, wind in the hair and all but some fat bird and her American boyfriend (Who was inexplicably pretending to be Irish) got all up in my face claiming they were on top of the world and stuff so I left them to it.
Now I am on the lifeboat deck, I can’t find a lifejacket and I don’t want to swim anyway. Dresses don’t suit me and I am left considering if I should punch J.J. Astor in the face for his spot on the lifeboat. And to top it off its fecking freezing.

We have somewhere between a week and four weeks to find out how things go, if we get bought out and the hole patched or if we go down. It won’t be with all hands mind – several have already boarded the lifeboats and applied for new jobs but their lifeboats haven’t launched quite yet.
I for one will be staying till the bitter end, I will be waiting until she slips below the waves and following the bubbles to the surface afterwards.
It’s not because of undying loyalty you understand, it’s because I am that afraid to move forward I would rather sink with the current Captain than risk jumping ship first.

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